Reminder (Pense bête)

An E-learning platform which aims to make children aware of the needs of their future pet through various activities. Designed for teachers, Pense-bête offers all these activities online, offline via downloads, and even only on paper. A complete educational file is available.

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Client: Walloon Region

Format: E-Learning platform

Type: BD / Quizz / Videos

Target: Primary classes

Objective: To raise awareness of animal welfare


The child begins by assessing his knowledge by answering questions about the needs of his future animal. If he succeeds, he wins his adoption license. Then, he plays to put himself in the head of his animal by imagining what the latter thinks in situations illustrated through a comic strip. For this, it documents itself with attractive educational video capsules. Finally, he can try to get his adoption permit again with all his new knowledge!

From 10K euros.
The price varies depending on the number of themes (animals) covered.

The budget includes the design, the scripting, the illustrations, the graphics, the creation of the site, until the setting on line.