
The universe of Mamemo is a transmedia universe complete with a children’s show, interactive books and an interactive cartoon to learn to dance.

Client: Mameli
Formats: Applications / Online / TV
Type: Entertainment
Target 3+

Interactive books
Mamemo are intended for children 3 years and older. They take the stories of the songs and make them interactive.

The interactive cartoon
A series of interactive cartoons that make children dance in front of the television, a face-to-face game based on Kinect technology and offered in parallel concerts, music, songs … Mamemo “Dance” is a transmedia universe in itself!

Interactive book from 10K euros
The price varies depending on the number of pages and animations of the book.

The interactive cartoon from 15K
The price varies depending on the number of episodes and animations.

The budget includes design, scripting, illustrations, animations, graphics, sound, development, up to the on-line publishing.